Super Street Fighter 4: Third Strike

One of the best games I have played...
Pisses me the hell off!
Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT game, but the netcode is horrible!
I haven't been posting because of school and lack of money for games! Sorry bout that! Ok, enough ranting. As many may know, Street Fighter has been around for a really long time and the game has evolved to this amazing piece of work. Street Fighter 2 was the first one I played as a kid, and I haven't played another version until I got an xbox in 2010!
It's amazing how the game evolved from a good game to a great game from version to version! As you may know or not, CAPCOM has also released a new xbox version of Street Fighter: Third Strike and added "Online" to the title. The game is pretty much based on reactions, footsies, and baiting. Pretty much the fighting game fundamentals.
These games may be great, but I totally suck at the fundamentals due to myself being deprived from the game for so long! I would really love some training partners haha. Add me on Xbox Live @ TheOnlyLite

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